Wow, it's a fantastic feeling to know that I've now arrived at a west coast state. The weather has been beautiful, and the terrain magnificent.

On the ride into Sandpoint, Idaho (and out of two weeks of Montana), the mountains piled around me and the clouds hugged the peaks, making for some breathtaking views.

That day, the ride took me around Lake Koocanusa, and I could peer over to my left to always see the clear waters.

Jocelyn and I were sweep that day, and here we found that some bikers had left their bikes to go on a short hike, so we went to check that out.

There were some water rapids... others had gone out to take a closer look.

We arrive in Idaho!

Northern Idaho had some beautiful mountains. (Kelsey, Lauren)

That night, Sandpoint had a festival with the Spokane Symphony coming to play with a clarinet soloist. They played swing music; it was a pleasant end to a fantastic day.

Today, we rode out of Sandpoint into Chewelah, Washington. There's Jay as he rode on a trail parallel to me.

And there's the Washington state sign!

There was a very big ascent I climbed, called the Flowery Trail Road.

After some 14 miles of climbing, I was just so happy to see that I;d gotten to the top.
So following that picture, I descended to about 1600 feet over 8 miles into Chewelah.
And now, I'm in the Chewelah library relaxing my legs for a bit.
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