So the kind folks at Colby Sawyer College got me some internet :)

The eve of our departure, a group of us volunteered at a
Habitat ReStore, helping out with organization and shelving. We biked over from Portsmouth and the route between there and Dover is just beautiful. Sadly, I could only take a few pictures (like the above one of us on a nifty bridge) whilst biking but when the weather is nicer, I'll be mounting my camera on the bike so I can take more.
In Chicago, the ReStore volunteers are very kind, and in Dover, it was no different. ReStore is a fairly simple idea: they take surplus, unwanted, or otherwise donated homebuilding supplies and sell them at a markdown of 30-80 percent. It allows more people to make their homes more suitable for living, allows businesses to collect a tax refund, and saves waste by recycling.

After our work, we explored Dover a bit and took a small detour up to Maine and then went into downtown Portsmouth.

It was a weekend, so the area was quite busy. Some of us spent some time in downtown Dover.

It was a lot of fun to see all the activity going on (families eating, art festival, band playing, wedding with kilts).

The first day of cycling started out on a rainy day in Portsmouth.

Group picture on the coast.

Along the way, we saw some pretty nifty things (like the above sculpture). A lot of animals, most of them alive, some on the side of the road. I'm still trying to get used to those.

Heard a tiny waterfall making quite a commotion, so checked that out.

We arrived in Concord and I made sure to get a picture of myself at the capitol building.

That day, a small gym offered their shower facility for our use. It was so nice I had to take a picture.

Today, we set forth to New London, where I'm at now. Along the way, we passed through Warner and I got this picture in front of a Civil War memorial.

Chalking directions for the other bikers.

I guess the New London area's doing one of those animals on parade
things, and there's on right in front of where we're staying at.
It's pleasantly overwhelming to see how infectious goodwill is among people. When people hear about what we're doing, they show so much hospitality and friendliness towards us. It's something I couldn't really believe if I hadn't seen it firsthand.
The views I'm seeing on the way are incredible, and I often have to remind myself of the core reason for all of this; our upcoming build day is going to be this Wednesday in Lebanon, NH.